Episode 6 – The Fire Drill, Part Two

Oct 26th, 2011 | By | Category: Story Time

Tyler quickly discovered that he didn’t need to worry, Miss Nell immediately took charge. “Everything will be all right.” she told them as she walked confidently across the classroom. “Please put down what you’re working on and quickly and carefully line up at the door.” As she walked by Aleisha, Miss Nell took her by the hand and led her to the door. Everyone else, with Miranda’s help, filed in behind. They walked out the door and down the hall. While they were walking they were still trying to figure out what they were doing and where they were going. Brian said, “Where are the flames? Why isn’t there any smoke?” Someone else added, “What’s happening?” Miss Nell again assured them that everything was all right and all of their questions would be answered once they were outside. But for right now, they needed to do what they were told.

They walked out of the school, across the playground and into the grass by the swings. Miss Nell told them to remain in a line. All of the other classes were lining up at different locations all over the play ground. Miss Nell then had them form a semi circle and she explained that they were having what’s called a ‘fire drill’. “It’s when you pretend that there is a fire so that you can practice getting out of the building.” she told them. Brian asked, “Does that mean we’re not going to see fire trucks?” “That’s right, since this is just practice, no fire trucks are coming.” Miss Nell answered him.

As suddenly as it had started, the bell stopped ringing. Mrs. Green walked out of the door carrying a stop watch. All of the teachers led their classes to line up in front of her. Mrs. Green told them that they had all done a great job. They had evacuated the school in record time. “What does ‘vacuum ate it’ mean?” Katie asked. Everyone giggled. “Evacuate!” Jerome burst out. “Jerome, she wasn’t asking you.” Miss Nell cautioned him. “I’m sorry, but how can you not know what ‘evacuate’ means?” he asked. But Miss Nell had already turned to Katie and was telling her that the word was ‘evacuate’ and it means to depart or to leave the building. “Oh,” Katie responded, “I thought maybe there was a giant vacuum cleaner monster quickly eating the school.” Once again everyone giggled.

When they returned to their classroom, everyone gathered on the circle time rug. “Now we’re going to talk a little bit about fire safety. Can anyone name a fire safety rule?” Miss Nell asked the class. Several children raised their hand. Each child responded as Miss Nell pointed to them.

“Don’t play with matches?” was the hesitant answer that Tyler gave. “That’s a good one to remember! Don’t ever touch matches, you could accidentally burn yourself or start a fire!” said Miss Nell. “Smoke detectors?” was Miranda’s suggestion. “Yes! Every home should have a smoke detector on each floor. It’s also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher in your house.” Miss Nell told them. “Fire drills?” was Katie’s idea. “Definitely! Your family should have an escape plan and practice a fire drill once a month. It’s also important to have a meeting place once you get outside.” Miss Nell added. “Know how to call for help?” Jerome added. “Absolutely!” Miss Nell agreed. “It’s very important that each one of you learn how to call the fire department. It’s also important to remember to leave your house first. Go to a neighbor’s house to use the phone.”

Then Miss Nell said, “Okay, we have a few more minutes. Can anyone think of anything else? Aleisha, how about you, do you know any fire safety rules?” Aleisha did know one but she didn’t want to talk in front of the whole class. It made her nervous. “Please tell us your idea.” Miss Nell encouraged her. Aleisha looked down and quietly said, “Stop, drop and roll?”

“Aleisha! That’s great! I can’t believe we forgot that one!” Miss Nell exclaimed. Aleisha looked up and gave a shy smile. “Stop, drop and roll is what you do if your clothes catch on fire. You stop what you’re doing, drop to the ground and roll back and forth until the fire is smothered.” Miss Nell instructed them. “Now I’d like us all to say it together.” In unison, the entire class said, “Stop, drop and roll.” Then came the fun part; they all got to practice rolling around on the ground.

Miss Nell concluded, “I am very proud of all of you. You quickly listened and followed instructions even though you were scared and didn’t know what was happening. In a real fire, calm behavior and quick action can help keep you safe, it may even save someone’s life. You all are going to have so much to talk about tonight at home! I know all of the grownups in your life will be proud of you, too! All right, our excitement for today is over, it’s time to go back to our centers.”

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