Posts Tagged ‘ cry ’

Episode 12 – Miranda Loses A Tooth

Oct 26th, 2011 | By

“No one is absent today,” Miss Nell commented as she finished taking attendance. “Okay, Aleisha, you may take this to the office. Please pick a friend to walk with you,” she instructed. Aleisha had the job of being mail carrier for the week and one of the duties was to
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Episode 13 – A Party…At School?

Oct 26th, 2011 | By

“A Party!” Katie shrieked with excitement. “I love parties and I’m very good at planning them. We need streamers, a limbo pole, a piñata, some music and maybe even confetti.” “Whoa, slow down a bit Katie,” Miss Nell interrupted. “That’s not the kind of party I’m talking about.” “It isn’t?”
[continue reading…]